Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memory Lane

I saw this on Kirsten's blog and I thought it would be fun to try, even though I have the worst long-term memory ever!

!1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Kirsten said...

OK. I remember seeing you for the first time and thinking you were so beautiful and your kids were gorgeous!

All those days at church by yourself with the kids...impressive.

When Lincoln asked Kenz at her birthday if she wanted to go on a date..."So, I'll pick you up at 4 o'clock"!

I remember when you cut your hair...:)

I wish you guys would move back. I feel like our friendship was just getting started.

Nicki said...

Where do I begin!! Sleepovers at your house were always a blast. I remember down in the basement making a HUGE mess with saltine crackers. I think we were trying to whistle or something. Then when Dan was asleep we stuck his left hand in a bowl of warm water to see if he'd pee his pants. I'm pretty sure it worked!! I remember helping you do your chores and fold clothes so we could play! Oh and remember when you and I were pigs for Halloween! I could go on and on! Love you girl!!

Dawn said...

I remember sleepovers in your basement, I was there when there was a wicked storm outside and we were watching a movie and the electricity went out and I very loudly blamed Daniel for pulling the plug on the tv. Then we realized the storm and that my mom had been pounding on the door and we hadn't heard her. I still remember the movie. Crazy hu?

Chelsee said...

This one is from Daniel. You made him and Timmy memorize the words to a Garth Brooks song before they could go over to a friends house. And Timmy giving you a black eye by throwing a raquet ball at your head.

my favorite memory is when you found out I was pregnant(you were pregnant with Kooper). You started jumping up and down, pregnant belly and everything. You're the best :)

Amanda said...

Wow where do I start,
I remember when you were 7 months prego with Kyron and you did the pelvic thrust. (you were making fun of a music video)

I remember you moving to Vegas and I cried forever, and I am crying now that you left.

I remember you always doing my hair and I would cry when you did it. Because sometimes it would hurt and you said Amanda stop crying it's not even hurting. lol

You always giving me the best advice and your letters you would write me and tell me to be a good girl.

You getting hit by a a car at the post office.

I have so much more but thats it for now. Your the best sister ever! And I am so blessed you are mine :)

lisa said...

I remember the first time I saw you at church and thinking how cute, young and tan you were. :) I enjoyed getting to know you better and thinking how NICE you were.
Also, I remember having Kyron in scouts and thinking he was such the perfect boy I would love either of my girls to marry!

Jason & Claire said...

I remember the first week I was in our ward I saw you and you kind of stuck your tongue out in a funky way and gave me the cutest wave like we were old friends being silly together and you made me feel so much more comfortable. Then I noticed how pretty you were and I thought you were one rad chick.

Kates said...

I remember throwing a rock off the softball field in practice and hitting you right in the head, causing you to drop to the ground in pain, going to the ER, and getting stiches! SORRY!!!!!

Melis said...

I remember sleeping over at your house too, then going to Yellowfront with your Mom. Weird I know. I also remember your hair was so short in 5th grade and EVERYONE wanted their hair short too. It was so cute. I remember when they made you a setter in Volleyball and you were so good at it. Along with many, many other memories.

Tess Marie Rhoton said...

Kyron was like 1 week old and you were moving into Campus Heights and (previously friends of mine had told me you were coming and that you were prego)so I walked up to you to introduce myself and I asked you when you were due. Oops. You accepted me anyway and I am still apologizing. All my memories of us at Campus Heights are great. I have missed you ever since you moved away from me. Hopefully we'll be together soon.

Carol said...

how could i forget the pencil tip in the ignition...i was seriously ready to freak out over that!

it was nice getting to know you over preschool. thanks for always being so nice to me.

i remember you telling me about the scare you had with Kenzi and that you thought you were "done" having kids. Now look atcha! can't wait to see #5!

FrankNApril said...

I remember the park with you and Sunee. That was fun! I thought you looked like a girl from california. And of course we all know how pretty you are! I love the story about your I.U.d. Right?

Enjoy the Journey said...

Hey Linde...
I just saw your comment asking about the blog books. If you haven't researched on your own since it took me like a year to get back to you check out blurb.com and they will walk you through it. You download the program and can change it around to make it how you want it.
As for a memory of you... I just remember being little and thinking you were the coolest girl in the WORLD because you were gorgeous AND played sports!

Jennifer said...

Mine involve cars...First, learning how to drive a stick shift in my driveway and almost crashing into the trampoline and second, seeing how fast we could get my Honda and I think we hit 110 just before we hit that patch of ice..."I just remember you screaming, grab the wheel with both hands" and I was so scared I couldn't even think

Angie Colwell said...

Where to start. Sleepovers, getting ready for dances, softball games. funniest memory involves our kids, when Kyron came home and told you that Braydon had a black dad and a white dad because that's what he told him. So funny.

Amanda said...

Just 2 days ago you drove yourself to the hospital to have the baby. Wow.... I will never forget that!

The Nelson's said...

congratulations on your new baby. she is so cute! you have an amazing family!!