A few weekends ago the kids had a big football jamboree.
It was 90 miles away.
We had to be there by 8:30, which meant us leaving by 7am!
A little tough but we did.
I didn't realize how big of a deal it was until we actually got there.
There were 5 towns, 30 football teams and a TON of little cheerleaders.
They had 3- 30 minute scrimmages each.
Kyron plays for the Packers and Kason for the Vikings.
Kenzi is a cheerleader for the Vikings (super cute).
People Everywhere,
Limited parking,
No shade and they played at 2 different fields!
My parents and Lukes parents made the trip to watch.
So between all of us we ran back and forth between fields
for a few HOT hours.
Kenzi complained a lot about how hot she was.
I had to go to the car every few hours in the A/C to feed Kali.
Kooper had super red checks and took a short nap in the hot sun.
Overall it was a great time.
We love to watch the boys.
It is so fun to see how much they grow each year.
picture of Kason up close.
This is it...he's out there somewhere!
I'm blaming it on the madness of the day!
He did score 2 touchdowns and had some great blocks!
Look at him posing for a picture real quick!
Kali was the best girl ever.
She just sat in her car seat all day sleeping.
It was cooler and shadier in there then out like us.
At the end of the day we were all so tired and ready to head home!
I asked the boys if they were hot and tired and they said,
"no, this was the funnest day ever!"
I had to smile because I forget how
it is to be small and how days like this are the funnest ever!
Kali was the best girl ever.
She just sat in her car seat all day sleeping.
It was cooler and shadier in there then out like us.
At the end of the day we were all so tired and ready to head home!
I asked the boys if they were hot and tired and they said,
"no, this was the funnest day ever!"
I had to smile because I forget how
it is to be small and how days like this are the funnest ever!
That was a fun post. Kyson's pose is so professional looking. What an adorable cheerleader Kensie is. I know those days and I'm so glad you survived!
Kenzi looks too dang cute in her uniform. I bet your mom has photos of you that look exactly the same. And man you are going to have your hands full with Kyron getting so handsome. I hope we can come and see you and your family up close some time soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
This looks like so much fun..
Hey did you move to Flagstaff??
I was there over Labor Day weekend
It is beautiful there..
Ahh Kenzi looks so cute! Did she cheer like me when we were at your house? lol Koop looks pooped out. I wanna come watch a game. I love how they have there last names on there shits! Cute. Fun day. Love ya sis!
How fun! Kenzi looks so cute. I bet it's fun watching the boys play football. It is not easy hauling all of the kids out in the heat. Especially with a newborn. You are an amazing mom! Can you please tell Amanda to stop swearing in her comments? Ha Ha!!
With 5 FIVE kids you did an amazing job just getting there in my opinion! Really! And they had fun. Very cute cheerleader! April
I hope it was Holbrook and not Prescott! Looks like alot of fun.
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