This week has gone by pretty fast.
We brought Kali home Tuesday.
We've had company (which we love).
Kyron and Kason took off to Vegas to spend the week with the Abbotts's (poor Heather).
I talked to the boys last night and they said that they are having the best time they have
ever had in their lives.
Kyron said it feels so good to be "home".
They couldn't wait to get there.
Kenzi sure is missing them.
She shed a few tears last night for them.
They are all she has so she is pretty bored.
Kooper just isn't as fun, she says.
Kali is such a good girl, so far.
She doesn't make a peep, unless she is hungry.
We are totally enjoying her.
Kooper has handled NOT being the baby anymore, just fantastic.
I am surprised.
He looks so big all of the sudden.
Kinda makes me sad.
Kinda makes me sad.
Kooper wears around the boys old helmets and if he isn't wearing it
he is hauling it where ever he goes.
I am afraid that the real games aren't going to be so much fun for me
because he is going to think that he should be out on the field too.
He just loves sports!
She's still soooo pretty! Of course, I'm the Gram, but she really is. I miss the Koop, he's just a funny little feller! Can't wait to see you all again!
congrats! shame on you for not calling so I could watch you kids so Luke could go to the hospital with you! Are you ready for dinner?
She is the most beautiful baby!! It was great having the boys in primary today. Congratulations on your new addition.
can't believe how big Koop looks next to her, especially cause next to Jack, he is a little feller! glad things are going good so far.
Wow, I was surprised to see your boys today at church and then Heather told me about your early arrival...She is straight out of the mold! she is so cute. Congrats.
ps I think my baby weighs that now and we still have 3 mo to go :)
I know what you mean about Kooper being so big all the sudden. Trent's head grew about 10 times bigger in the two days I was at the hospital with Claire. They really are all the sudden not the little baby they were before. Funny and kind of sad too.
She's so pretty! Thanks for all the pics... It's fun to see them!
Koop is so sweet! He is getting so big. It's sad. I'm glad kali is really good for you. I can't wait to see her again!
Linde, she is just beautiful!!! Congrats on your adorable new little addition!!:)
We were so excited to see your boys on Sunday! Sounds like they're having fun at Heather's! Your baby is sooo beautiful. I hope you're recovering well.
Oh, you had her! I was so Happy to see her! I haven't checked any blogs in a while. She is so cute! Oh, she is a doll! I always LOVED that name! Congrats to your family. April
She does have such a beautiful complexion. I was thinking that and then you wrote about it- funny. I can't believe how big Kooper looks next to her either. Sad!
She's beautiful, and you hardly looked pregnant. I remember being pregnant with Katlyn and feeling like a whale around you! Congratulations!
what a sweet post! She's such a beautiful baby! Again, congrats on a sweet little girl!
Oh, and I've been through McKenna's closet and bins and we've got a ton of cute winter clothes for the jetterbug, if you want them. Just email your address to me at They're so cute and little, I hardly remember her even wearing them!
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