Luke found this huge caterpillar in the road this morning so we all ran out to see how big it REALLY was. The boys were trying to pick it up with a stick and I was giving them a hard time because come on, it's just a caterpillar! So I picked it up and took it over by the front door. Kenzi (my animal LOVER) wanted to hold it. So I put it in her hand. Well she wanted me to take a picture of her with this caterpillar. So I ran into the house to grab my camera and all of the sudden Kenzi was screaming! The caterpillar was bitting her!! I did not know that caterpillars could bite!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
10:46 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Pumpkin Carving
I am not a huge fan of pumpkin carving ...but the kids begged us, (especially Kyron, weird huh) to go the the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins. So Saturday we made a trip to the pumpkin patch and these are the 3 pumpkins that we got. I don't quite know if they were worth the $30, but the kids were so so excited that I guess it was. So for Family Home Evening that is what we did. The kids each drew on the face that they wanted and Luke and I carved. Then the kids got in up to their elbows trying to clean the inside of the pumpkins out. It is alot of work for something that doesn't even last 2 days, don't cha think?
Posted by
2:23 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Posted by
5:36 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Trunk or Treat
It never crossed my mind that Kooper would be TERRIFIED of Kyron! He is Jack Sparrow.
He got all dressed up and walked out of the bathroom and Kooper stared at him and cried and cried and his poor little face was just so scared. He would be so happy and then Kyron would walk by and he would just fall apart.
Of course, Kenzi had drama with her costume. Her brand new tinker bell shoes broke the very first time she put them on. It ruined her night for awhile, then she finally got over it!
This is the only picture where Koop can't see Kyron so he isn't crying too bad! You can tell he is defiantly the 4th child because we didn't even buy him a costume. This is from when the boys were little. Oh' well it works.
Almost way to hot for it here in Vegas. In Arizona it was always cold and he would of froze in just this!
Posted by
8:40 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Glad for the reminder
This morning I was trying to get 3 of the 4 kids ready for school, and it seemed like the boys were taking their sweet little time. I am sure you have all had lots of days just like this. I think I told Kason 10 times to get into the shower. Kyron about the same.
Little Kenz was so excited and willing to cooperate because she had a field trip to the Aliante Library, and so she was going to be attending morning kindergarten instead of the usual afternoon. She was also really excited to be riding her bike for the first time without me (but with Heather) and with her brothers to school. She usually only gets to ride it home.
Anyway, Kyron seemed to be doing who knows what, but he was at least getting his teeth brushed, while I was looking everywhere for Kason. I looked all over, he was MIA! I finally heard him in my closet, sitting on the ground talking to Kooper. All I caught was,
"Hey little guy, did you know that we said our prayers everyday to get you?
Huh did you?
We wanted you so bad in our family, and you finally came. Did you know that?
I am so glad that you are my baby brother. Did you know that it is almost your birthday?
I think you are getting big and I really hope that you like me better than Kyron."
Okay, so I couldn't even get after him because he was being so sweet and so sincere. Even the little comment about Kyron almost cracked me up. So I said, "hey Kason, what are you doing?" He said, " just having a one on one and spending some VERY important time with the Koops."
I had to smile at the whole little conversation.
So I hurried and got him ready for school, and as they were leaving the house I reminded them that they had Kenzi, and to be sure she made it okay, (even though she would be with Heather).
As Kason was dodging my kiss I said, "love ya, watch out for Kenz!" He turned around and said "of course we will mom that is what brothers are for and that is why we are a family duh!"
So besides the duh comment, I had to just smile and think about how lucky I was to be the mom of these little stinkers. Kason is definitely my super sweet, sensitive boy who is always concerned about everyone in his life. It just reminded me that even when they are taking all the time in the world to get ready or even when they are fighting like crazy, or just driving me up the wall, that Kason was right when he said, "That's why we are a family." I was glad for that reminder today.
Posted by
2:32 PM
Chicklit teeth
Posted by
2:05 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
We have a few of these little wooden bats that the kids have collected over the years, and lately there seems to be one in every room of the house. He won't put it down for long.
Kooper loves them and carries one around with him ALL day! He has even started haulin' a ball too! Ya think he has been watching his brothers a little?
This next one is my favorite from yesterday.
Posted by
1:38 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hat Day
Today was hat day (as most of you know). The kids didn't want to get a picture, but finally agreed. Kason wasn't at all embarrassed about his cowboy hat. In fact he couldn't wait to wear it. He is definitely our little cowboy! Kenzi of course was very excited to be like the boys for a few hours in her Red Sox hat, and Kyron just likes the way this baseball hat from last baseball season fits so that is what he decided to wear.
Posted by
4:35 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
The big party
Yesterday the kids asked me if we could have a red sox party for the game last night.
Sure why not.
When I went to pick the kids up from school, one of the moms of a little boy from Kenzi's class said that the kids had to get up and share something in front of the whole class. Kenzi said, "we are having a red sox party tonight!" This mom said that everyone cheered and said that they wanted to come too. So when the kids were dismissed they all were asking if they could come over for the "big party".
Then Kyron also told some friends and they all were excited about the "big party" too.
So after school we went to the store and bought some soda, candy, chips, you know all the "big party" goodies.
We made signs and got the house ready for the "big party!"
While we were eating dinner Kenzi said "why isn't anyone coming to our red sox party?"
I guess that I didn't realize that she thought we were inviting a bunch of friends over.
We had a really fun "big party" as a family anyways, and if the Red Sox make it to the world series than maybe we can have a real party!
So here are a few pictures of us in our Red Sox gear and the signs that the kids made to hold up during the game.
Kooper carries this bat around all day everyday. It is usually over his shoulder but everytime I try to get a picture of him he comes towards me, to try and get the camera.
Posted by
10:17 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A day in the mountains
Here are a few pictures that the KIDS took of their trip up on the mountain last weekend. They actually did a good job with the pictures.
Posted by
10:39 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Just like the old days
Luke came home from work last night and this is what he looked like....
Posted by
2:21 PM
Hippie no more
I asked Kason a few months ago when he was going to cut his hair and he said "when it doesn't look good anymore." after
Posted by
12:59 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Things like that just don't get done often enough, but desperately need it! see Nate, Jen and the kids on Friday night and we had a great time with them. The boys are getting so big and the girls are just the sweetest and they are all so cute! It makes me wish we lived closer to each other and that we got to see them more often.
... to see Camdyn, on Saturday for a few hours and we had so much fun! WE (Kenzi and I) even painted her little toes. She is so stinkin' cute!
... pictures of Luke and the kids up in the mountains. He even made sure to take them. Since I wasn't able to go I wanted pictures. Once he gets them up there they don't want to come home. They love to do that! Next time I plan to go with!
... Kason signed up for Basketball. He is really excited and hopes to be on the same team as his friends. Kyron didn't want to play if he couldn't be with Kason so guess what? He is too old for that age group so he is sitting out this season (which is really ok with me).
... one sharing time down and 2 to go for the month! hair done, and as always Sunee always makes it look so great!
(So a huge thanks to her). 2nd week of boot camp down and just starting my 3rd week! It is so hard, but gotta love a great workout!! Also, love that Amanda and Sunee do it with me. Wouldn't be fun without them. watch some baseball games. Go Red Sox!!
Posted by
2:29 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hangin' out in the backyard
These are my favorite pictures today. Kooper loves to hang out outside. He will go out by himself or with the other kids, either way he just loves it.
Posted by
2:53 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A few sweet pictures
Just thought that I would share a few pictures that Heather took of my kids. I know that some of you have already seen them but for those who haven't didn't she do such a great job! Kooper was so tired that day and the boys weren't too crazy about it, but Kenzi would take pictures anytime.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Disney Store
A few weeks ago Kenzi brought me the Aristocats DVD case, and showed me the white kitty with the pink bow. She bugged us everyday to go to the Disney store so that she could get it. Everyday I told her that we could go another day, thinking that she would forget about it. I should have known better. She finally brought me all her change and a few dollar bills and a sea shell and said please you can have all this if we can go. So finally we gave in and Luke and I took her on Saturday morning. Before we went I told her that if we went she could not get a Halloween costume because I knew that when we walked in there her eyes would be huge and excited and want every costume in the store. She promised us and she did great on that, even though she looked at all of them and said maybe for Christmas? When she saw the little kitty she looked at it for a long time and then she said that she didn't like the way its face looked so then we were there forever waiting for her to figure out which one to get. Then Luke and I made it even more complicated for her because they were one for $15 or two for$20 so we were like what the heck you can go ahead and get two of them. Big mistake! She was so excited though that it made it all worth it. She would pick one up and then put it down. Look them over while she was bitting her fingernails. She finally decided on Minnie mouse and a one hundred and one dalmatian puppy. She didn't even pick the kitty that she had wanted for so long and so badly. Her change and her sea shell didn't quite pay for the stuffed animals but it was really fun watching her. Now she is already talking about the next trip to the Disney store. Oh boy!
Posted by
12:23 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Whoppie scare
Before I start I just have to say that last night I was having my sister-in-law Chelsee help me out with getting started with this (so thank you) because as you will learn I am not good at this stuff, I don't know much about computers at all, and my brother Daniel said," what are you guys doing?" We told him and he said, "do you mean you're starting a brag spot?" Well he is right, this is just a place to brag but mostly for me this is a great way to remind myself of the things that go on in our family everyday that I will forget if I don't write them down. So I will apologize now if the stuff on my blog page are just little things that I think are wonderful.
I had Kooper and Kason in the bath tub this morning and somewhere Kyron found a whoopie cushion. He ran in the bathroom to show Kooper the noises that it could make. The look on Koopers face was so funny. He was so scared that his little lip was quivering and he just started crying. He had big alligator tears pouring down his checks, and his poor little body was just shaking. He was so scared of it. So I told Kyron to go on and a few minutes later he showed it to Koop and he didn't even have to make the noises, he just started crying. We all started laughing because so far he hasn't ever been scared of anything. Who would have ever thought that a whoopie cushion would be the thing that he is scared of.
Posted by
9:09 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Let's try this...
I love the idea of a blog, now lets just see if I can do this. We have been so busy lately that I feel like I just can't keep up!
Kyron has just finished up with baseball and even though I love watching him, I will enjoy not going to 4 games a week for awhile.
Kason has also just finished up wrestling and is ready for the next best thing.
Kenzi just turned 5 last week and it's funny how all the sudden nothing fits her.
Kooper is walking all over the place and loves to just be where the kids are hanging out.
Luke has been busy working. He has had some pretty fun busts lately.
I just started bootcamp last week and it kicked my butt!
Posted by
5:04 PM